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Chester County, Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorneys

With the sound of the colliding vehicles, the bending metal, and the breaking glass, your life was changed forever.  As you face the mounting medical bills, the loss of work, and the fact that your future earnings may be compromised, it may be difficult to determine what the next step should be.  However, the skilled and compassionate Personal Injury Attorneys at Lundy Law are ready to discuss the legal options that are available and guide you through the decision-making process.

Chester County, Pennsylvania Auto Accident Attorneys

Chester County, Pennsylvania Auto Accident AttorneysThe day before, even the moment before, the accident, your concerns involved what activities to prioritize for the weekend and where to go on vacation.  Suddenly, you are faced with scheduling doctor’s appointments, arranging for transportation, determining how to meet the obligations that you previously managed on your own, and reviewing your finances to decide what bills can be paid.  The terrible accident altered not only your life, but the lives of those around you.  At Lundy Law, we understand what has happened and we know how to take the weight of the burden off of your shoulders.  Our attorneys can answer your questions in a free and confidential consultation, while helping you to devise a strategy for the legal action that best suits the needs of you and your family.

The dedicated attorneys at Lundy Law are ready to fight for the compensation that you deserve because of the harm that was done to you.  With offices throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, we represent clients throughout Chester County including:

Chester County, Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys

Chester County, Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Accident AttorneysAlong with car accidents, those who suffer from slip and fall accidents are often the victims of the reckless or negligent actions of third-parties.  Consider the following scenario: a child runs through the produce aisle and spills a jar of sundried tomatoes in oil.  You follow ten seconds after the child has departed the area and proceed to slip on the spilled oil and tomatoes.  In this case, there may not be a case of negligence against the store.  However, if three different store patrons reported the spill to management before you pushed your cart around a display sign and suffered a serious fall an hour after the child left the store with his parents, then you might have a viable case against the store for the harm that you suffered.  At Lundy Law, we can explain the difference between the two cases, while evaluating the legal strengths and weaknesses of your case.  We want you to have all the necessary information before making the right decision for you.

The law firm of Lundy Law has been committed to advocating on behalf of victim’s rights for nearly fifty years.  We are experienced in representing individuals who have been harmed in car accidents and slip and falls.  However, our personal injury skills and client dedication extend to the following:

At Lundy Law, we understand the devastation that you face as the victim of an accident.  It is hard enough to deal with the fact that random events conspired to wreak havoc with your life and livelihood; however, when the accident was entirely preventable but for the negligence of another person, the stress can be overwhelming.  We are here to answer your questions and ready to schedule an appointment at your convenience.  To ensure that you have access to the best possible legal representation, we offer a No Fee Assurance, which means that you pay nothing unless we win your case.  Please call us at 1-800-LundyLaw today, or complete a free online consultation form to sit down with one of our attorneys.