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Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Lawyer

Serving Premises Liability Victims

1 in 3 adults age 65 or older falls each year, but less than half talk to their healthcare providers about
it. – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Slip and Fall Accidents: What You Should Know



Pennsylvania Slip and Fall Lawyer Office

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How Serious are PA Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can cause serious injuries—whether they’re triggered by slippery surfaces, defective
construction, or other unsafe circumstances. The legal team at Lundy Law knows that most falls are preventable.
why we’re here to hold negligent property managers and owners accountable.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property due to an owner’s carelessness, the slip and fall lawyers at
Law are here to get you the help you need. Fill out a free initial consultation form or call us for free at
1-800-LundyLaw®, today.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries

Too few slip and fall injury victims see their doctors about their accidents, or talk to an attorney. Sometimes,
may feel embarrassed about a fall, or think the accident was their fault. Many of these accidents go unreported,
though they aren’t always the victim’s fault.

Some of the most common causes of slip and fall injuries include:

  • Obstructions in walkways
  • Unmarked changes in elevation
  • Bad lighting
  • Floors that are slippery from being recently cleaned, waxed, or polished
  • Broken steps or platforms

If a property owner is at fault for your slip and fall accident, our legal team may be able to get you the
you need to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Below is a list of some of the types of  slip and fall accident cases we represent:

Get Back on Your Feet

The Philadelphia Premises Liability lawyers at Lundy Law want to help you get back the life you had before your
fall. We
know how devastating a fall can be. We know the potential hazards that may have led to your fall, and we know how to
prove who’s responsible.

If you or your loved one were injured in a slip and fall accident in Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor about your injury,
then call Lundy Law for a free consultation.