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Work Zone Accident Attorneys in Pennsylvania

Work Zone Accident Attorneys

Being employed in an industry that requires you to work alongside busy roads, highways or overpasses can be hazardous. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were 609 fatalities in construction and maintenance work zones in 2012.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there were 133 deaths in road constructions zones alone in 2012. Pennsylvania ranked fourth among the highest incidences of casualties in road construction zones.

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and other mid-Atlantic states have all had significant road construction accidents that led to injury and death.

Common Causes of a Work Zone Accident

Often, accidents in road construction areas are caused by driver negligence. Many times drivers are following too closely behind another vehicle and fail to notice the warnings that there are people working alongside the road ahead. Speeding is another common factor that leads to construction accidents as is distracted driving, including texting or talking on the phone.

One of the most common reasons that accidents occur in construction areas is drivers who fail to notice that lanes are closed, a change in the flow of traffic or that equipment is in the driveway.

Injuries to Motorists in Highway Construction Accidents

It is not always the roadside employees who suffer injury in construction accidents. There are many occasions where drivers of vehicles are injured as well. A driver may not notice that traffic has slowed for road construction, striking another vehicle and causing injury to them or others.

If the construction company failed to place proper warnings, a driver could also be injured when they enter uneven pavement or drive into an area that has been opened for repair, causing them to crash into large holes or pipes being installed.

Injuries to Workers During Road Construction

From 2003 to 2007, more than 600 roadside workers were killed at construction sites, representing almost eight percent of the total deaths in the construction industry during that time. In New Jersey Pennsylvania and Delaware, workers have been struck and killed while filling pot holes, working jackhammers on a roadway and from falls near heavy equipment.

In addition, inattentive driving in construction sites or drivers who fail to yield to construction workers has led to severe injury and death of employees.

Liability in Road Construction Accidents

Liability in construction accidents can be difficult to determine. Although a driver may have been negligent by speeding or driving distracted, the construction company may not have marked the site properly. In some cases, there may be multiple liabilities between equipment operators, road crew companies and the driver.

Highway Construction Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been injured in a road construction or workzone accident, or if a loved one has died of injuries sustained in a road construction accident, contact Lundy Law today to learn what rights you may have. You can reach us by filling out the simple request form on our website or call us at 1-800-Lundy Law. We look forward to discussing how we can get the compensation you deserve.