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Roundup® Weed Killer Cancer

The International Agency for Cancer and World Health Organization have warned that the main ingredient in Roundup ® Weed Killer (Glyphosate) may be a carcinogen that causes Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other forms of cancer.

Roundup ® is a powerful herbicide used to kill weeds in gardens, farms, lawns and other private & public areas. The World Health Organization issued warnings that Roundup ® contains Glyphosate in 2015, leading to a ban on the product in some countries. However, the weed killer is still available for purchase in the U.S. and is still used in home gardens and lawns as well as large agricultural farms on crops.

Roundup ® Weed Killer Cancer Symptoms

    • Swollen or Enlarged Lymph Nodes
    • Tender or Swollen Abdomen
    • Personality Change
    • Chest Pain or Pressure
    • Bruising or Bleeding Easily
    • Fever
    • Unexplained Weight Loss
    • Heavy Night Sweats
    • Frequent Infections
    • Persistent Fatigue

Don’t Wait to Get the Help You Need

If you or a loved one were exposed to Roundup ® Weed Killer and were diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, you must act quickly to get the compensation you deserve. Call 1-800-LundyLaw today.

This law firm is not associated with, sponsored by, or affiliated with the International Agency for Cancer or the World Health Organization. Cases may be referred to associated law firms.