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Negligent Security Personal Injury Attorney

Types of Negligent Security Claims

Negligent security attorneys can help if you were injured on someone else’s property. If you were shot, assaulted, raped, or robbed, an attorney can help you hold the property owner responsible.

Commercial establishments have a responsibility to provide their customers with a safe environment. This includes providing an adequate amount of security to protect them from crime. Unfortunately, many business owners do not take this responsibility seriously and as a result, their customers are often victimized by criminals. This can be due to a lack of security personnel or inadequate security measures.

There are a variety of negligent security claims that can be brought against a business. Some of the most common include:

  • Failure to provide adequate security personnel
  • Lack of security measures, such as locks or alarms
  • Inadequate lighting in parking lots or around the premises
  • Allowing known criminals onto the property
  • Failing to properly screen employees

Injured By a Premises Owners Failure to Provide Security? Watch This Informational Video for Help


Responsibility to Keep an Establishment Reasonably Safe

As a community member, it is important for you to be aware of your surroundings and the potential risks associated with certain areas. However, businesses also have a responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and take steps to ensure the safety of their customers.

If you are visiting a gas station in a high-crime area, for example, it is reasonable to expect the business to take precautions such as making sure all outside lights are working. If the business does not take such precautions and you are subsequently harmed while on the premises, the business owner may be held liable.

The level of reasonable security required depends on the Circumstances

Many different types of property owners are required to keep their premises reasonably safe and secure. The types of property where criminal activities or assaults are most likely to occur vary. Some examples include:

  • Apartment complexes
  • College campuses
  • Businesses open late at night
  • Public transportation stops
  • Alleyways
  • Bars
  • Parking lots
  • ATMs

In order to help prevent these types of crimes, it is important for property owners to take measures to make their premises more secure. Some ways to do this include:

  • Install security cameras
  • Hire security guards
  • Well-lit areas
  • Fenced in areas
  • Barred windows and doors
  • Locked doors and gates

Taking these types of precautions can help to make a property less appealing to criminals and make it more likely that they will be caught if they do commit a crime.

Contact Lundy Law Negligent Security Attorney

If you have been the victim of a crime that could have been prevented if the property owner had taken measures to make their premises more secure, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact a negligent security lawyer at Lundy Law today for a free consultation. We will evaluate your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

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