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SUV Rollover Accident Attorneys

SUV Rollover Accident Attorneys

In 2013, 3,490 people died in a car accident that involved the rollover of the vehicle in which they were traveling. Of those deaths, 40 percent of the people killed were riding in an SUV, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Because SUVs are top-heavier than other types of vehicles, they are prone to rolling over in an auto accident as they have a higher center of gravity.

When a vehicle rolls over, there is more chance of injury and death to passengers. Although only 32 percent of all car crashes involved rollover in 2013, 44 percent of deaths occurred in those types of crashes.

Common Types of Rollover Accidents

Rollover car accidents are classified as either tripped or un-tripped rollovers. Tripped rollovers occur when a vehicle leaves the road, slides sideways and either digs tires into soft soil or hits an object. The soil or object then “trips” the car so that it rolls over. Untripped rollovers are much less common, occurring in just five percent of all rollover crashes.

An untripped rollover often occurs when a driver is attempting to avoid a high speed collision. For example, a driver swerving quickly to avoid an obstacle in the road may swerve too quickly back into the lane of traffic. Vehicles that are top-heavy may then rollover due to the sudden changes in direction.

What Factors Contribute to SUV Rollover Accidents?

There are many factors that may contribute to SUV rollover crashes.

A driver may jerk the wheel back into the lane of traffic too quickly after drifting onto the shoulder, causing the vehicle to roll. A car that is too heavily loaded can also be at increased risk of rolling over. Aggressive driving is another common cause of rolling over.

Overcorrection is the most common cause of SUV rollovers as the top-heaviness of the vehicle makes them more likely to roll when the vehicle’s direction is changed too rapidly.

Injuries Caused by Rollover Crashes

Almost any type of injury can occur in a rollover crash, but the most common are abrasions, bruises, fractures and lacerations.

However, head and back injuries are very common when a vehicle rolls over and these can be life-threatening. In some cases, drivers or passengers who are not properly restrained can be ejected from the vehicle and there have been cases of the vehicle rolling on them after ejection, causing significant injury and death.

Contact Our SUV Rollover Attorneys

If you live in Delaware, New Jersey or Pennsylvania and you have been involved in an SUV rollover crash, you need a personal injury lawyer. The dedicated auto accident attorneys at Lundy Law represent clients who have been injured in rollovers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware with compassion and commitment.

We want you to have the best possible legal representation possible. Contact Lundy Law today to learn what rights you may have regarding a personal injury claim. Complete the online query form or contact us by phone at 1-800-Lundy Law today if you live in or your crash occurred in Delaware, New Jersey or Pennsylvania and speak to a personal injury lawyer today.